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Thread: ZABH30 cleaning?

  1. #1

    ZABH30 cleaning?

    We got all of the new product in yesterday, and after I lasered a sample ZABH30, I consequently tried to clean it. But this was to no avail. The smelly orange-ish burn residue simply does not clean off. I've scrubbed and scrubbed (gently) with a damp cleaning cloth, and I didn't know if there is something else I can do? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Administrator TimG's Avatar
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    Re: ZABH30 cleaning?

    The new business card holders (ZABH03 and ZABH31) and coasters (ZCOA01, ZCOA02, and ZCOA03) are a bit tougher to cleanup than what you're used to seeing. Use glass cleaner to get just a bit more solvent power than water and scrub vigorously. I pushed down and rotated the rag with my thumb to get the example here clean. Cleaning immediately after engraving can make it easier, too.

    I ran a quick test on part of a coaster I already did.

    This is how clean I was able to get it to. It required substantial scrubbing for just that small area.

  3. #3
    We use lighter fluid with no scrubing

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