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Thread: Way to adjust where the autofocus focuses?

  1. #1

    Way to adjust where the autofocus focuses?

    Occassionally I run into a problem where the machine drops the autofocus down in a bad spot. I recently ran into this with the water bottles where the sensor touched down not in the middle and slid off the side of the bottle resulting in the copper tube denting the bottle.

    Is there a way to tell the machine where to touch down for the autofocus?


  2. #2
    Administrator TimG's Avatar
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    We can try and tell the machine where to focus, in a way. In fact, that's why all the files for water bottles, flashlights, and the new screwdriver multitools are in green. There's a very small black dot on all of those files that has the machine focus there and then continue with the job. I was running into a strange glitch earlier with the machine not running the dot first, but rather skipping it entirely. It then used the green elements of the composition to pick a focus spot, sliding off the product. I say "glitch" because it worked OK if you sent the job with the 5.2 version of the program, but it didn't for the 5.4. If you haven't updated in a little while, try the new files. I should have the "latest & greatest" up sometime Monday that will have some other items/fixes. If you're still having problems, please let me know. Also, remember that if you select just part of the job to run, it will focus relative to just that selection. If you want to make sure you get the right focus, select the dot first, hold the 'control' key and click the other objects you want to select. Also, you can always focus manually.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by TimG View Post
    Also, you can always focus manually.

    Thanks Tim - are there directions for manually focusing somewhere?

  4. #4
    Administrator TimG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DesignedTreasures View Post
    Thanks Tim - are there directions for manually focusing somewhere?
    This post in our "FAQ" has a pretty good explanation under "Manual Focusing".

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