lilacwoodshop2 Sep 02, 2010; 11:23am lasering multiple bookmarks, dog tags,etc? Reply | Threaded | More

Hey all,
Need some help here, I need to know if it is possible to laser multiples of the same design? We have a fundraiser coming up and they would like some bookmarks and dog tags with the same design on all. Can I run more than one at a time or do I have run each individual piece? If it's possible to run multiples, how do you do this? Thanks.

Alex Troyer Sep 03, 2010; 09:03am Re: lasering multiple bookmarks, dog tags,etc? Reply | Threaded | More
In theory, you could run more than one at a time, but it would take a lot of setup time. The easiest way to rapidly produce bookmarks is just to send the file, and run one, then trade it out for a new one and hit the green button again. The laser will remember the job, and will keep lasing the same job over and over again until you send a new one to it. However, this would only be one at a time.

A much more advanced approach would be to get a 1/4" thick piece of wood that fits in the laser bed, and laser several grooves into it which the bookmarks would fit into. You'd want to pack in as many as you could fit, keeping in mind that the design may be larger than the outline of the item, so you need some space in between. Then create a custom file from that template so that when you lay the bookmarks into the grooves, they are all aligned just right. I don't recommend this approach unless you're an advanced laser engraver and have a lot of initial time to line things up though. If you have any further questions on this, let me know.


David Rooker Sep 03, 2010; 03:26pm Re: lasering multiple bookmarks, dog tags,etc? Reply | Threaded | More

I've uploaded my dog taq multi-jig2 file if anyone would like to try it. I need to tweak the file to make it better, but as it stands it will create a template to burn 12 tags at a time. I made it out of the 5x12 alder that we get from you folks. It has a down side of creating a tremendous amount of gum and that destroys the hepa filter. It does require a vector cutting grid.

After running the file, take the board and glue a second alder board to it for stability. To run a job use the dog tag multi printer 2 file and lay out the tags as per usual. It has worked well for me and makes the job go a little faster. I leave the chains on the tags. There is room to layer them on the board.

A better end product would be created by using thinner alder and just cutting out the perimeter of the tags instead of creating the trough as designed in the file. Then glue the thin board to a thicker piece for stability and a base. But I don't have any wood that size to work with so alder it is.

David Rooker Sep 03, 2010; 04:23pm Re: lasering multiple bookmarks, dog tags,etc? Reply | Threaded | More
I take it all back. I don't recommend running my file until it can be made by simply cutting the wood. Using this machine to rout the recesses for the blanks creates too much creosote and ruins the hepa filter. The results are good, it's just too expensive.


Alex - if you want to take down the files and this post feel free.

Jeff Williams Sep 03, 2010; 06:26pm Re: lasering multiple bookmarks, dog tags,etc? Reply | Threaded | More
For those of you who may want to try this I suggest getting a piece of balsa wood from a hobby store. It is a much "dryer" wood and does not create near as much residue when burning. I have made custom jigs for dog tags, bookmarks & ornaments. One suggestion that is a little different to those posted earlier, I would NOT suggest glue your jig to another piece of wood after cutting it. Just a very slight misalignment when glueing will throw the entire project off. I have used 1/2" balsa for one jig and it works well. The most important aspect of this process is to make sure the file you use to create the jig is the same file you use for your lasering of the items. You need the exact alignment when doing multiple pieces and the only way to achieve it is to laser the jig and then use the same setup for lasering your product. We have done almost 800 dog tags since Nov. of last year and almost 200 bookmarks since July of this year and most of them on my jigs that are set up in batches of 10.

Franklin Sep 07, 2010; 07:58am Re: lasering multiple bookmarks, dog tags,etc? Reply | Threaded | More
I've had good luck with making a jig by vector cutting the appropriate shapes out of a piece of corrugated cardboard.
It's cheap, quick, and easy.
It is important that you do not turn your back on the laser when vector cutting cardboard, and start with fast settings (100 pwr, 40 spd) as it is quite flammamble and any damage caused by this would not be covered by PGD (sorry, gotta draw the line somewhere).
