View Full Version : Product images from Fall 2010 catalogue

11-15-2010, 01:16 PM

We're looking to update our website to include the products from the Fall 2010 Personalized Gifts catalogue however we need images for these products. I haven't been able to find images for any of the products on pgrahamdunn.com. It would be really helpful if you could provide the high resolution product images for all the products in this catalogue so we can use them for both our website and any print materials we want to include these products in... Could you please provide this as soon as possible?

Thank you.

11-15-2010, 04:00 PM
Here's a link to all product photos.
It's a pretty big zip file, so it'll take a while to download, but it should contain everything you need.
ftp://www.laserengravings.info/ProductPhotos/PGDProductImages.zip (ftp://laser:lifthimup@www.laserengravings.info/ProductPhotos/PGDProductImages.zip)

11-15-2010, 07:50 PM
Thanks for this file. A couple follow up questions:
1. Any chance you could provide a version with the filenames matching the catalogue codes (either the short codes or UPCs)? It seems that in a bunch of instances the 'Z' has been dropped from the beginning of the filename making it harder for us to easily locate the image which matches the product (e.g. code ZKMC50 in the catalogue is KMC50.jpg in the file you provided). While it's possible to work around this it does make our lives harder to match things up.

2. In my attempts to download this rather large file my download kept failing... it seemed to timeout after a while. I was able to resolve this by using a download method which supporting resuming but I'm wondering if you can check your hosting provider to see why this would happen. I realize that there are many factors involved including my Internet connection and the hops in between but I haven't been experiencing this on any other downloads today so I thought you might want to see if you can double check this as it may affect other downloads on your site as well.

11-16-2010, 02:29 PM
I'm still missing images for the following items: ZFRM40, ZFCD40 and CHAIN. Are these available?

11-17-2010, 08:37 AM
Here's a link to the three images you listed:ftp://www.laserengravings.info/ProductPhotos/CHAIN.zip (ftp://laser:lifthimup@www.laserengravings.info/ProductPhotos/CHAIN.zip)

I'll see what I can do to clean up the data/images, as I imagine this would be helpful for other customers as well.

The full image file is much larger than the laser file update, so I would expect it to be a little difficult to download. I think we're going to be moving all downloads over to FTP, as that seems to work better all around.


11-17-2010, 11:38 AM
I tried to download the CHAIN.zip file through my browser and it failed so I tried using an FTP client instead. When I tried to download it it failed and this is the log file:

Status: Starting download of /CHAIN.zip
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (64,57,208,226,208,144)
Command: RETR CHAIN.zip
Response: 550-The load was 4.00 when you connected. We do not allow downloads
Response: 550-by anonymous users when the load is that high. Uploads are always
Response: 550 allowed.
Error: Critical file transfer error

After 5 or so tries I eventually got it to download but this kind of error is going to be rather frustrating if it continues regularly.

11-26-2010, 09:17 AM
Hi Brian

We've fixed the issues with dropped downloads, so now just clicking the links on the page should work. Let us know if you have any further problems.


11-26-2010, 12:05 PM
Great. Thank you!

11-29-2010, 10:49 AM
When I click on the link for the download of the CHAIN.ZIP, the page cannot be found.

11-29-2010, 11:15 AM
Looks like we forgot to fix the links in this thread. Fixed now.

01-12-2011, 07:26 PM
I just discovered that some of the images provided don't actually match the images in the catalogue. As we want to ensure that we're advertising the same designs as what we can *actually* do can you please provide print quality images for the following items from the catalogue:
- Page 1 - All Heart keychains
- Page 6 - All Mini plaques

We need these as soon as possible to complete our design work.

Thank you.

01-13-2011, 02:40 PM
I just finished uploading the main ZIP file again, with all the new product images as well as correcting a few old ones.
If you need an individual images, instead of downloading the entire ZIP file (246MB), you can find individual photos at

For example, the heart keychains are ZATH01 through 06, so the links to those photos would be:

The mini plaques are ZALM01 and 03

01-13-2011, 03:23 PM
This is very helpful. Thank you.

Brother John's
06-09-2011, 01:40 PM
Are the images for the new products available for download yet? It'd be helpful if they were available as a supplement with only new photos, so we wouldn't have to re-download all the images again.

06-13-2011, 08:47 AM
Yes, the new images are available in the regular (large) download, and also as individual files.
Additionally, here is a link to a ZIP of only the March introduction: ftp://www.laserengravings.info/ProductPhotos/PGD_March_2011.zip (ftp://laser:lifthimup@www.laserengravings.info/ProductPhotos/PGD_March_2011.zip)

09-07-2011, 08:21 AM
Here's something new I'm trying out, it's an image gallery interface for all of our product photos.
Check it out, let me know what you think: http://laserengravings.info/photos/index.php

09-07-2011, 11:42 AM
There seems to be potential here. A couple things that would be helpful to us:
1. The images on this site are significantly lower resolution that the images we've previously obtained for the press quality product pictures. Any chance you could use this tool to still provide the highest resolution image? I know the designers we work with for any print advertising always like the highest possible resolution files.
2. For those time when the site or Internet is down it would still be nice to be able to simply grab everything and store it locally. Any chance the site would provide a single archive download link for all the images?

09-08-2011, 03:51 PM

This program is actually pulling from the same images that were previously provided (and still are available) as per previous posts.
We have generally been providing 800 pixel images, which would correspond to a 2.6" image at print resolution. This has generally been sufficient for our stores who print advertisements, brochures, etc.
However, if you do need a larger image for something (full page ad, poster, billboard, etc), please let me know and I'll do my best to get something to you.

The full ZIP file is also available, there are a couple listed earlier in this thread - I do need to combine a few of those into one, but that will be maintained in general, so you can download the entire catalog for reference if you need.