View Full Version : Cleaning, Maintenance and Upkeep

Servant's Heart
09-17-2014, 06:38 PM
I was wondering if there are any videos of someone thoroughly cleaning an engraving machine. As I was brought in and trained in-store rather than benefiting from something by you folks, I know I need to do some cleaning and upkeep on my machine, but don't want to risk doing it incorrectly.
Please advise.

Thank you.

10-01-2014, 10:20 AM
We do not have a video of somebody cleaning the laser, but we do have a Laser Maintenance Checklist (ftp://laser:lifthimup@www.laserengravings.info/Documentation/laser_maintenance_checklist.pdf) document, with description and photos of the process.

Servant's Heart
10-18-2014, 01:33 PM
I knew about those, but I am a very visual and interactive learner. Inasmuch I am more comfortable learning from someone's demonstration. I'll just hope to make it out someday.

Thank you, sir.