View Full Version : Alq03

Parable Bible Bookstore
11-16-2011, 06:16 PM
I just lasered my first ALQ piece with the swirls (ZALQ03) and it looks beautiful!... except for the edges where it lasers off the paper and onto the wood, where part of the wood is painted black and part is just brown wood. I realize I could have dropped the clip art down and moved the bottom piece up to avoid this problem, but I just didn't even consider that the paper didn't go to the edge of the piece. I guess what I'm asking is if the item can be painted black farther in, so that when it does laser off the edge that there's no brown wood showing through... black and white is ok. But the white/brown/black coloring on the edges looks a little... unprofessional. Or if the paper can be extended to the edges so the design shows in a solid white.
