View Full Version : Lithograph ZBOH48 tray placement

Parable Bible Bookstore
11-09-2011, 12:38 PM
We have a question on lithograph ZBOH48 and are not sure whether to push it in up to the inner edge on the back of the piece, or to visually line it up to the ruler on the tray. We can't tell by red-dotting whether that edge acts as the jig or whether it should be pushed down to line up with the bottom edge of the ruler. This edge is not on all the lithorgraphs, just some of them. Does this question make sense? It's hard to explain.

11-09-2011, 01:27 PM
Please see this post: http://www.laserengravings.info/forum/showthread.php?121-ZZALP-jig-and-the-new-production-process
There is a jig that you should have already to laser products with this type of edge
