View Full Version : Clock Hands bent

09-26-2011, 09:25 PM
Can the hands on the clock be removed and straightened? I was able to the remove second hand easily and it look like the three hand, (hour ) will come off easily, but I did not want to pry on the minute hand very much, if it was not suppose to be removable. Is it also possible to purchase replacement hands?

Not a manufacture defect. I think a child bent the hands while look at the clock, but did not see it.

09-27-2011, 08:49 AM
You've got the right idea: the second hand comes off just by pulling on it. The other hands are a bit more work. There should be a small (brass colored) ring that unscrews. This lets the minute hand come off. Then you can get the hour hand off as well by just pulling on it. The hour hand might be pretty secure, but it does come off once you have the other two hands removed. Clock hands/movements are not specifically available as an SKU, but if you can't get the hands straightened, we'll work with you to get you what you need.